Saturday, February 25, 2012

RecordNumber by Group?


Is it possible to show a record number or count by group? I know the RecordNumber field will show me the number for the whole report but what I would like is the following:

Group A
Group B

Instead of group B being 4,5,6...

I'm trying to figure out how to number the lines per group heading. I hope that makes sense.

Many thanks,

StephenInsert a count() into the footer and count how you want. It gives the choices|||Thank you for the suggestions but I'm looking to get a count (like a row number) at the detail level however and I don't think I can do it that way (that I'm aware of).|||You have to do it manually for each Group. Increment and show the counter in the detail and reset in the Group Header/footer.|||You can create a running total:

select a field to summarize;
type of summaries: count
evaluate: for each record
reset: on change of group (select one you need)

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