Monday, February 20, 2012

Record size too big for table

Getting the subject error after creating fields in a SQL table. Total
fields is 810. I was told the total character count for all fields combined
in a SQL table couldn't exceed about 8000, but I cannot find any reference
to this.
See "Maximum Capacity Specifications" in BOL (Bytes per row).
"Absolutely" wrote:

> Getting the subject error after creating fields in a SQL table. Total
> fields is 810. I was told the total character count for all fields combined
> in a SQL table couldn't exceed about 8000, but I cannot find any reference
> to this.
|||8060 bytes is the total size of a row in a sql server 2000 table
"Absolutely" wrote:

> Getting the subject error after creating fields in a SQL table. Total
> fields is 810. I was told the total character count for all fields combined
> in a SQL table couldn't exceed about 8000, but I cannot find any reference
> to this.

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