Monday, February 20, 2012

record, page, table locking

I have set up a sql server database with three tables, and I am using MS Acc
ess as the front end for user view, inserts, and updates.
The transaction properties for the database are set as follows:
lock_timeout = 1800
Session isolation level = serializable
access mode is multiuser.
Recently, one person had the MS Access database open and made deletions with
out any problem, closed the database and then opened it later to delete more
records from a table but recieved this message "the microsoft jet db engine
stopped the process becaus
e you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same ti
me." error 2197. but they are the only one's who have the db open. Would any
one be able to tell me which setting I have misconfigured?
ChiekoThis is an Access issue. I suggest you post the question to an Access group.
Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP
"Chieko Kuroda" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I have set up a sql server database with three tables, and I am using MS
Access as the front end for user view, inserts, and updates.
> The transaction properties for the database are set as follows:
> lock_timeout = 1800
> Session isolation level = serializable
> access mode is multiuser.
> Recently, one person had the MS Access database open and made deletions
without any problem, closed the database and then opened it later to delete
more records from a table but recieved this message "the microsoft jet db
engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to
change the same data at the same time." error 2197. but they are the only
one's who have the db open. Would anyone be able to tell me which setting I
have misconfigured?
> Thanks,
> Chieko

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