Monday, February 20, 2012

Record set to file

Any tips on how to get a recordset into a file. I want the result of a stored procedure (multiple rows) written to a flat file. I've tried a data flow task with an OLE DB Source linked to Raw File destination but that produces gibberish in the file - I need the raw rows returned from the s/p

Any tips much appreciated.

Greg.You can use DTS (Data Transformation Service) to accomplish this.|||I understood SSIS was the new DTS. Any pointers on how I can go about this Mike?

|||Yes, in v2005. I haven't used it extensively, but you can get the information on how to here:,SQL.90).aspx|||

What do you mean by raw rows? The raw dest produces a binary file that is for use by the dataflow. If you want a readable file then use the flat file destination, which will create a text file.



|||Thanks guys. Got it figured out using the flat file destination.


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