Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Recordset in Crystal Report 8

The problem:

I have a report performed with the crystal assist.The report is label style and the crystal Reports creates a image of the label for every row in the recordset.The problem occurs when i pass the recordset from the VB 6.

Before printing I create the crystalreport object, the crystalreport datababase object and the crystalreporttable object pointing to the ttx file.But when I execute the CrystalReport preview method, the report dont shows any data.

Here is a sample of teh code:

Set report = app.OpenReport(Path & FicheroRPT)
Set reportDb = report.Database
Set reportTables = reportDb.Tables
Set reportTable = reportTables.Item(1)
Call reportTable.SetPrivateData(3, Data)

Call report.preview

The Report has many detail sections ( from "a" to "v").Could this be the problem.

If anyone can help me...Open the Report and Do Verify Database
Uncheck the option "Saved Data"

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