Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Recordset Destination and foreach loop

I have a csv file in which I am reading into a recordset destination and want to than use a foreach loop to cycle through those records and do some things. The problem I am having is after defining the variable name of the records set as results, and than going into the foreach loop, choosing collection, using the foreach ado enumerator, i dont see anything in the dropdown under ado object source varable? I am new to SSIS but I basically want to parse through this file, change some columns in each line and than either update or insert data in a sql table.See the following post for a tutorial on shredding a recordset:|||

appreciate the quick response, although like I said

i dont see anything in the dropdown under ado object source varable?

|||What scope is your recordset variable at? Is it a package scope or a task / transform scope?

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