Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Recordset Counts

I am trying to count the number of records in a recordset I have created. It always returns a value of -1 nomatter how many records are actually there. I have other operations working fine using similar code, but this one will not work correctly. Can anyone help. Here is the code.

Set ashcontentcountcmd = New ADODB.Command
ashcontentcountcmd.ActiveConnection = ashconn
Set ashcontentcountrs = New ADODB.Recordset
ashcontentcountrs.ActiveConnection = ashconn

ashsource = lstash.List(lstash.ListIndex)

ashcontentcount = "select ID from Flyash where Source ='" + ashsource + "'"

ashcontentcountcmd.CommandText = ashcontentcount ashcontentcountrs.Open ashcontentcountcmd

Debug.Print ashcontentcountrs.RecordCount

Thank you in advance for any help.

MichaelYou need to make it a client-side cursor to return the recordcount or your cursor is the wrong type.|||I am new to this stuff. I don't know what you mean by a client-side cursor. This is an Access database I am connecting to.

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