Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Is this possible... I have a recordset with information like this

TableName ColumnDefinition
table1 col1 varchar(20) Null
table1 col2 varchar(10) NotNull
table2 col1 varchar(10) Null
table2 col2 varchar(30) NotNull

I want to build a cursor that will build tables with the table name in the tablename column and with columns defined as such in the column ColumnDefinition.

Obviously I can't just run through each row as itself because I have multiple columns for a same table... anybody have any ideas how to approach this?Originally posted by justastef
Is this possible... I have a recordset with information like this

TableName ColumnDefinition
table1 col1 varchar(20) Null
table1 col2 varchar(10) NotNull
table2 col1 varchar(10) Null
table2 col2 varchar(30) NotNull

I want to build a cursor that will build tables with the table name in the tablename column and with columns defined as such in the column ColumnDefinition.

Obviously I can't just run through each row as itself because I have multiple columns for a same table... anybody have any ideas how to approach this?

I got it... if anyone is interested here is the code of course this is after declaring neccessary variables::::

Declare CreateTableCursor Cursor For
Select table_name, column_definition
from dbo.db_table_information
order by table_name, ordinal_position

open CreateTableCursor

Set @.prevtable = ''
Set @.sql = ''

Fetch Next from CreateTableCursor into @.table, @.coldef

While @.@.fetch_status = 0
If @.prevtable <> @.table
If @.sql <> ''
Set @.sql = @.sql + " )"
Set @.sql = "Create table dbo." + @.table + "( " + @.coldef


If @.prevtable = @.table
set @.sql = @.sql + ", "
set @.sql = @.sql + @.coldef

set @.prevtable = @.table
Fetch next from createtablecursor into @.table, @.coldef

Close CreateTableCursor
Deallocate CreateTableCursor

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