Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Recordset Destination with Foreach Loop Container - finding indexes

I'm curious to know how other people are handling the Recordset Destination in to be processed by a Foreach Loop Container. It seems a little odd to me that you can only map the parameters by knowing the index of the columns of the Recordset, however, the order that you built the recordset destination doesnt stay the same. I've been debugging for a while to find out that after I saved my recordset destination the order of the fields changed. To some order without a clear logic. I'm going to guess it might be the lineage id.

The bigger problem was this was a really large record set with 60 or so columns. To try and debug the problem of finding the indexes, I had added a Multicast tranform and saved the output to an Excel Destination. Of course, the order I setup the Excel file was the order I got the fields. Why would this not be the case with the Recordset Destination?

I've never seen this behaviour. Its possible to define the order of the fields within the recordset destination. It is the order in which you select columns on the "Input Columns" tab.



Strange. I know I saw it earlier tonight, however I just remote desktoped into my work machine to capture a quick video of it happening, and it worked right this time. I'll try it again in the morning, I'd be more than happy if it was working right (despite having to reorder my indexes again).


There's lots to be said for being a name not a number.

I guess a suggestion at the product feedback centre is required.

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