Saturday, February 25, 2012
Records Versioning/Auditing
Forgive me if this is the wrong group. I'm writing a ASP.Net application and
i need to track every change to a table's records. In SQL 2005, is there a
way to easily keep a record change history? Something with rules or triggers
or something? Or am I stuck comparing every field manually before i perform
Thanks a lot!
David Lozzi
Delphi Technology Solutions
Blog: www.lozzi.netA trigger can do what you need (i.e. putting a changed record into an audit
table prior to or after an update).
I recommend checking out ApexSQL's Audit. It can set up everything for you
with a mostly point-and-click interface.
Kevin G. Boles
Indicium Resources, Inc.
"David Lozzi" <dlozzi(remove-this)> wrote in message
> Howdy,
> Forgive me if this is the wrong group. I'm writing a ASP.Net application
> and
> i need to track every change to a table's records. In SQL 2005, is there a
> way to easily keep a record change history? Something with rules or
> triggers
> or something? Or am I stuck comparing every field manually before i
> perform
> the UPDATE?
> Thanks a lot!
> --
> David Lozzi
> Delphi Technology Solutions
> Blog:|||Yeah, i saw them but at $600 per license, i'll figure it out myself.
David Lozzi
Delphi Technology Solutions
"TheSQLGuru" wrote:
> A trigger can do what you need (i.e. putting a changed record into an audit
> table prior to or after an update).
> I recommend checking out ApexSQL's Audit. It can set up everything for you
> with a mostly point-and-click interface.
> --
> Kevin G. Boles
> TheSQLGuru
> Indicium Resources, Inc.
> "David Lozzi" <dlozzi(remove-this)> wrote in message
> > Howdy,
> >
> > Forgive me if this is the wrong group. I'm writing a ASP.Net application
> > and
> > i need to track every change to a table's records. In SQL 2005, is there a
> > way to easily keep a record change history? Something with rules or
> > triggers
> > or something? Or am I stuck comparing every field manually before i
> > perform
> > the UPDATE?
> >
> > Thanks a lot!
> >
> > --
> > David Lozzi
> > Delphi Technology Solutions
> > Blog:
>|||$600 is a real bargain for what you get in the package. If you get paid $20
per hour that is only 30 hours before you hit the same amount. No way you
can build out a fully functional system like Audit can do for you in that
time frame.
Note too that the license is just for the client that sets up the auditing.
You can audit unlimited servers from that one purchase. See here,, 4th bullet point from the top.
And they have a viewer to report on the audited information that is only $50
per client.
Kevin G. Boles
Indicium Resources, Inc.
"David Lozzi" <dlozzi(remove-this)> wrote in message
> Yeah, i saw them but at $600 per license, i'll figure it out myself.
> thanks,
> --
> David Lozzi
> Delphi Technology Solutions
> Blog:
> "TheSQLGuru" wrote:
>> A trigger can do what you need (i.e. putting a changed record into an
>> audit
>> table prior to or after an update).
>> I recommend checking out ApexSQL's Audit. It can set up everything for
>> you
>> with a mostly point-and-click interface.
>> --
>> Kevin G. Boles
>> TheSQLGuru
>> Indicium Resources, Inc.
>> "David Lozzi" <dlozzi(remove-this)> wrote in message
>> > Howdy,
>> >
>> > Forgive me if this is the wrong group. I'm writing a ASP.Net
>> > application
>> > and
>> > i need to track every change to a table's records. In SQL 2005, is
>> > there a
>> > way to easily keep a record change history? Something with rules or
>> > triggers
>> > or something? Or am I stuck comparing every field manually before i
>> > perform
>> > the UPDATE?
>> >
>> > Thanks a lot!
>> >
>> > --
>> > David Lozzi
>> > Delphi Technology Solutions
>> > Blog:
Records Versioning/Auditing
Forgive me if this is the wrong group. I'm writing a ASP.Net application and
i need to track every change to a table's records. In SQL 2005, is there a
way to easily keep a record change history? Something with rules or triggers
or something? Or am I stuck comparing every field manually before i perform
Thanks a lot!
David Lozzi
Delphi Technology Solutions
A trigger can do what you need (i.e. putting a changed record into an audit
table prior to or after an update).
I recommend checking out ApexSQL's Audit. It can set up everything for you
with a mostly point-and-click interface.
Kevin G. Boles
Indicium Resources, Inc.
"David Lozzi" <dlozzi(remove-this)> wrote in message
> Howdy,
> Forgive me if this is the wrong group. I'm writing a ASP.Net application
> and
> i need to track every change to a table's records. In SQL 2005, is there a
> way to easily keep a record change history? Something with rules or
> triggers
> or something? Or am I stuck comparing every field manually before i
> perform
> the UPDATE?
> Thanks a lot!
> --
> David Lozzi
> Delphi Technology Solutions
> Blog:
|||Yeah, i saw them but at $600 per license, i'll figure it out myself.
David Lozzi
Delphi Technology Solutions
"TheSQLGuru" wrote:
> A trigger can do what you need (i.e. putting a changed record into an audit
> table prior to or after an update).
> I recommend checking out ApexSQL's Audit. It can set up everything for you
> with a mostly point-and-click interface.
> --
> Kevin G. Boles
> TheSQLGuru
> Indicium Resources, Inc.
> "David Lozzi" <dlozzi(remove-this)> wrote in message
|||$600 is a real bargain for what you get in the package. If you get paid $20
per hour that is only 30 hours before you hit the same amount. No way you
can build out a fully functional system like Audit can do for you in that
time frame.
Note too that the license is just for the client that sets up the auditing.
You can audit unlimited servers from that one purchase. See here,, 4th bullet point from the top.
And they have a viewer to report on the audited information that is only $50
per client.
Kevin G. Boles
Indicium Resources, Inc.
"David Lozzi" <dlozzi(remove-this)> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> Yeah, i saw them but at $600 per license, i'll figure it out myself.
> thanks,
> --
> David Lozzi
> Delphi Technology Solutions
> Blog:
> "TheSQLGuru" wrote:
Records Versioning/Auditing
Forgive me if this is the wrong group. I'm writing a ASP.Net application and
i need to track every change to a table's records. In SQL 2005, is there a
way to easily keep a record change history? Something with rules or triggers
or something? Or am I stuck comparing every field manually before i perform
Thanks a lot!
David Lozzi
Delphi Technology Solutions
Blog: www.lozzi.netA trigger can do what you need (i.e. putting a changed record into an audit
table prior to or after an update).
I recommend checking out ApexSQL's Audit. It can set up everything for you
with a mostly point-and-click interface.
Kevin G. Boles
Indicium Resources, Inc.
"David Lozzi" <dlozzi(remove-this)> wrote in message
> Howdy,
> Forgive me if this is the wrong group. I'm writing a ASP.Net application
> and
> i need to track every change to a table's records. In SQL 2005, is there a
> way to easily keep a record change history? Something with rules or
> triggers
> or something? Or am I stuck comparing every field manually before i
> perform
> the UPDATE?
> Thanks a lot!
> --
> David Lozzi
> Delphi Technology Solutions
> Blog:|||Yeah, i saw them but at $600 per license, i'll figure it out myself.
David Lozzi
Delphi Technology Solutions
"TheSQLGuru" wrote:
> A trigger can do what you need (i.e. putting a changed record into an audi
> table prior to or after an update).
> I recommend checking out ApexSQL's Audit. It can set up everything for yo
> with a mostly point-and-click interface.
> --
> Kevin G. Boles
> TheSQLGuru
> Indicium Resources, Inc.
> "David Lozzi" <dlozzi(remove-this)> wrote in message
>|||$600 is a real bargain for what you get in the package. If you get paid $20
per hour that is only 30 hours before you hit the same amount. No way you
can build out a fully functional system like Audit can do for you in that
time frame.
Note too that the license is just for the client that sets up the auditing.
You can audit unlimited servers from that one purchase. See here,, 4th bullet point from the top.
And they have a viewer to report on the audited information that is only $50
per client.
Kevin G. Boles
Indicium Resources, Inc.
"David Lozzi" <dlozzi(remove-this)> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> Yeah, i saw them but at $600 per license, i'll figure it out myself.
> thanks,
> --
> David Lozzi
> Delphi Technology Solutions
> Blog:
> "TheSQLGuru" wrote:
records per page in ReportViewer
Hi Everyone,
I can't find this to save my life! Is there a way to set the number of records that show per page on the ReportViewer? I'd like to return more per page then returns with the default setting.
You have to use expressions for that purpose. Have a look at this article:
Look for Page Breaks section in this article.
|||Awesome!!! Thanks!
Records per page
I want to know how many records there are per page.
For example there may be a textbox showing the count of records per page.
What is the expression for this?
Any help would be appreciated.
I don't know if there is anything predefined in SQL for this. You may have to calculate it yourself by knowing the size of the report viewer and the size of your textbox fields.Records number of a table
Instead of using SELECT count(*) From TABLE_NAME,
Is there any property of a Table that provide the total_records of this table?
Many Thanks
There's a quick way that returns a rowcount that is not necessarily 100% accurate, but that is good enough for most purposes, see below.
SELECT rows AS [RowCount]
FROM sysindexes
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(id) = '<Table Name>'
|||AND indid <= 1
if u hv any mumeric fields ..u can chk out by diiference.. like auto id can sense this..or if product id p001 to p022 u can chk this too,
or the solutin by chris may work i hvnt tried..
great job done sir..
sir, will it b common for any table?
will u plz explain syntax?
|||just wonder is there anything like row_counts_fuction(TABLE_NAME) ?I think the SQL Server System should keep the total records number somewhere.
Thanks a lot
Chris Howarth rights. Statement in his answer doesn't count rows in table, but gets it from system table.
If you want function, you could create it:
create function row_counts_fuction(@.table_name varchar(50)) returns int
declare @.result int
SELECT @.result = rows
FROM sysindexes
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(id) = @.table_name
AND indid <= 1
return @.result
select count(*) from Sales.SalesOrderDetail
--Returns 121317, works 0,21 sec
select dbo.row_counts_fuction('SalesOrderDetail')
--Returns 121317, works 0,00 sec
>will u plz explain syntax?
Rather than me re-iterate what Microsoft say about sysindexes, let me point you towards the relevant topic in BOL - here you can see why the 'indid' column is included in the WHERE clause of the query.
|||If AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS is not ON and not manually updated, then do I get Proper record
count from sysindexes ?
To improve accuracy you should run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE before running the query.
See the following links for more info:
SQL Server 2000
SQL Server 2005
Apparently, according to MS, there should be no need to run the command in SQL Server 2005 as the statistics are maintained correctly.
Records not updating in Script Component
Basically, there is a field in my script that checks to see if a string field is length of 1. If it is, it updates the field with some value. The strange behavior is that it picks up some of the rows but not others.
If Row.FieldValue.Length = 1 Then
Row.FieldValue= "Some Value"
End If
I've tried variations such as:
If left(Row.FieldValue.,1) = "-" Then
Row.FieldValue= "Some Value"
End If
But I get the same results. Any Ideas?Does [Field] need to be trimmed? Might some data contain trailing white spaces?|||
No, I've tried every combination of Trim, left, equals etc...that I can think of. The funny thing is that it picks up some of the fields and misses others.
Very puzzling. I was hoping to hear of some rare condition on this board that sounds similar to this, but I have yet to hear of any similar situations.
The code that I am talking about is incredibly simple, as shown in my previous post.
|||What happens when [Field] is null?|||You could fire some debug iformation to help you. Something like this maybe:
Me.ComponentMetadata.FireInformation(,,Row.FieldValue.ToString() + " - " + Row.FieldValue.Length.ToString(), ....
Thanks, that did it. I am relatively new to SSIS, never really delved into the debug information before.
that is very helpful.
|||KML67 wrote:
Thanks, that did it. I am relatively new to SSIS, never really delved into the debug information before.
that is very helpful.
Great! But what solved your issue?|||
Basically, matching the string by length, equal, explicit match was working fine all along.
There was some logic that followed this string test that was providing the error. The error was very subtle, so it did not always produce the same value for the same input (depending on multiple variables), but at quick glance (watching the data flow into and out of the component with dataviewers) it looked as like there was an inconsistency in the component itself.
Jamie's post was very helpful, I am new to SSIS and wasn't familiar with the fireInformation method. That allowed me to solve it in a second.
Thanks for the tips, this board is a great asset.
Records not inserting...
an SQL server DB - and am only using Access as the front end interface and
development tool.
The tables came across no problem and after I relinked all of them to the
SQL server DB tables using the ODBC driver, the app even ran without anyt
errors!! I was impressed.
However, something strange is happening that I am sure a seasoned SQL server
person will know...
When a user changes certain data, in my application code, I write changelog
records of each change.
To do this I "insert" a record into a table. THis is not happening and no
errors are being generated - at least none that I can see...
I stepped through my code and the insert command runs fine and does not go
through the "on error" routine. However, when I check the table after I have
inserted a record, none has been inserted.
I have made sure that the logged on user (me) has insert rights etc...
What should I be checking?
PS...Now that I am using SQL server, I suspect it would be easy to write a
trigger that automatically inserts records in a table instead of placing
these actions in my application code. However, in a trigger, would I be able
to reference what the old value was before the change so I have a record of
what the old value/new values are?
Brad"Brad Pears" <> wrote in message
> I am totally new to SQL server. I am moving all of our Access DB's over to
> an SQL server DB - and am only using Access as the front end interface and
> development tool.
> The tables came across no problem and after I relinked all of them to the
> SQL server DB tables using the ODBC driver, the app even ran without anyt
> errors!! I was impressed.
> However, something strange is happening that I am sure a seasoned SQL
> person will know...
> When a user changes certain data, in my application code, I write
> records of each change.
> To do this I "insert" a record into a table. THis is not happening and no
> errors are being generated - at least none that I can see...
> I stepped through my code and the insert command runs fine and does not go
> through the "on error" routine. However, when I check the table after I
> inserted a record, none has been inserted.
> I have made sure that the logged on user (me) has insert rights etc...
> What should I be checking?
You need to turn on ODBC tracing. Put a break in your code just before the
INSERT. Turn on ODBC tracing when i braks. Run the INSERT statement. Turn
off Tracing. View the trace log and see what was actually sent.
> PS...Now that I am using SQL server, I suspect it would be easy to write a
> trigger that automatically inserts records in a table instead of placing
> these actions in my application code. However, in a trigger, would I be
> to reference what the old value was before the change so I have a record
> what the old value/new values are?
Yes, you can! From SQL Server Books Online (partial paste):
Two special tables are used in trigger statements: the deleted table and the
inserted table. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 automatically creates and
manages these tables. You can use these temporary, memory-resident tables to
test the effects of certain data modifications and to set conditions for
trigger actions; however, you cannot alter the data in the tables directly.
The inserted and deleted tables are used primarily in triggers to:
a.. Extend referential integrity between tables.
b.. Insert or update data in base tables underlying a view.
c.. Check for errors and take action based on the error.
d.. Find the difference between the state of a table before and after a
data modification and take action(s) based on that difference.
The deleted table stores copies of the affected rows during DELETE and
UPDATE statements. During the execution of a DELETE or UPDATE statement,
rows are deleted from the trigger table and transferred to the deleted
table. The deleted table and the trigger table ordinarily have no rows in
The inserted table stores copies of the affected rows during INSERT and
UPDATE statements. During an insert or update transaction, new rows are
added simultaneously to both the inserted table and the trigger table. The
rows in the inserted table are copies of the new rows in the trigger table.
An update transaction is similar to a delete operation followed by an insert
operation; the old rows are copied to the deleted table first, and then the
new rows are copied to the trigger table and to the inserted table.
> Thanks,
> Brad
Records not inserting...
an SQL server DB - and am only using Access as the front end interface and
development tool.
The tables came across no problem and after I relinked all of them to the
SQL server DB tables using the ODBC driver, the app even ran without anyt
errors!! I was impressed.
However, something strange is happening that I am sure a seasoned SQL server
person will know...
When a user changes certain data, in my application code, I write changelog
records of each change.
To do this I "insert" a record into a table. THis is not happening and no
errors are being generated - at least none that I can see...
I stepped through my code and the insert command runs fine and does not go
through the "on error" routine. However, when I check the table after I have
inserted a record, none has been inserted.
I have made sure that the logged on user (me) has insert rights etc...
What should I be checking?
PS...Now that I am using SQL server, I suspect it would be easy to write a
trigger that automatically inserts records in a table instead of placing
these actions in my application code. However, in a trigger, would I be able
to reference what the old value was before the change so I have a record of
what the old value/new values are?
"Brad Pears" <> wrote in message
> I am totally new to SQL server. I am moving all of our Access DB's over to
> an SQL server DB - and am only using Access as the front end interface and
> development tool.
> The tables came across no problem and after I relinked all of them to the
> SQL server DB tables using the ODBC driver, the app even ran without anyt
> errors!! I was impressed.
> However, something strange is happening that I am sure a seasoned SQL
> person will know...
> When a user changes certain data, in my application code, I write
> records of each change.
> To do this I "insert" a record into a table. THis is not happening and no
> errors are being generated - at least none that I can see...
> I stepped through my code and the insert command runs fine and does not go
> through the "on error" routine. However, when I check the table after I
> inserted a record, none has been inserted.
> I have made sure that the logged on user (me) has insert rights etc...
> What should I be checking?
You need to turn on ODBC tracing. Put a break in your code just before the
INSERT. Turn on ODBC tracing when i braks. Run the INSERT statement. Turn
off Tracing. View the trace log and see what was actually sent.
> PS...Now that I am using SQL server, I suspect it would be easy to write a
> trigger that automatically inserts records in a table instead of placing
> these actions in my application code. However, in a trigger, would I be
> to reference what the old value was before the change so I have a record
> what the old value/new values are?
Yes, you can! From SQL Server Books Online (partial paste):
Two special tables are used in trigger statements: the deleted table and the
inserted table. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 automatically creates and
manages these tables. You can use these temporary, memory-resident tables to
test the effects of certain data modifications and to set conditions for
trigger actions; however, you cannot alter the data in the tables directly.
The inserted and deleted tables are used primarily in triggers to:
a.. Extend referential integrity between tables.
b.. Insert or update data in base tables underlying a view.
c.. Check for errors and take action based on the error.
d.. Find the difference between the state of a table before and after a
data modification and take action(s) based on that difference.
The deleted table stores copies of the affected rows during DELETE and
UPDATE statements. During the execution of a DELETE or UPDATE statement,
rows are deleted from the trigger table and transferred to the deleted
table. The deleted table and the trigger table ordinarily have no rows in
The inserted table stores copies of the affected rows during INSERT and
UPDATE statements. During an insert or update transaction, new rows are
added simultaneously to both the inserted table and the trigger table. The
rows in the inserted table are copies of the new rows in the trigger table.
An update transaction is similar to a delete operation followed by an insert
operation; the old rows are copied to the deleted table first, and then the
new rows are copied to the trigger table and to the inserted table.
> Thanks,
> Brad
Records NOT in OTHER table - SELECT statement
Here are two of my attempts:
SELECT [X Sent], [X Date]
FROM [Table 1]
(SELECT [Table 1].[X Sent]
[Table 1] ON [Table 2].[X Setup]= [Table 1].[X Sent]))
I don't believe 'NOT IN' is proper syntax!
And my other attempt:
SELECT [Table 1].[X Sent]
[Table 2] ON [Table 2].[X Setup]= [Table 1].[X Sent]
Any help would greatly be appreciated.An outer join, checking for NULL in [Table 2] will do it.
|||Thanks once again Douglas Reilly!!!!
SELECT [X Sent],[X Date] FROM
[Table 1] t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN [Table 2] t2 ON t1.[X Sent]=t2.[X Setup]
WHERE t2.[X Setup] IS NULL
Greatly appreciative...|||After analyzing the data further, I have noticed that I can't only compare one field, but rather two from each table. I have been trying to work with the following statement, but I can't seem to get it to work. To start off with, I would like to capture all the fields where Field1 and Field2 from Table1 equals Field1 and Field2 of Table2.
SELECT [Field1], [Field2]
Table2 t2 ON t1.Field1 = t2.Field1 AND t1.Field2 = t2.Field2
Once I figure this part out, I will go ahead and search for all of these tuples not in the other table. Your assistance will greatly be appreciated.|||You should pick one of your candidate keys to be the primary key of Table1. Then you can do this:
select * from Table1
where Table1PrimaryKey not in
(select Table1PrimaryKey from Table1
inner join Table2 on Table1.Field1=Table2.Field1 and Table1.Field2=Table2.Field2)
If for some reason you really need the fields, you can use this:
select Table1.Field1, Table1.Field2
from Table1
inner join Table2 on Table1.Field1=Table2.Field1 and Table1.Field2=Table2.Field2
Records not commiting - please help!
So, I have this SSIS package that basically moves records from one table into another table in the same DB. I’m running it on the actual server and everything seems to work. The data-flow task lights up yellow and visual studio increments the number of records passed through as if they were running perfectly. However, when I go to look at the data,it’s not in there! There are no errors reported ad the event log doesn’t show anything that would lead me to think anything went wrong. Anyone ever run into this issue? I’m wracking my brain on this one and am completely stumped. Any help would really be appreciated
Do you wait until the process completes (goes green) to look for the records?|||I've let it go all the way to the end and tried to look at the data while the move was hapening. I've played with all the OLE DB destination options as well with no luck. I've had batch sizes of anywhere from 1 to 1000 with no luck. SQL server activity monitor lists the bulk insert but it never leaves the "runnable" state.
I am using the OLE DB data source and destination and have one data conversion transform task between them.
|||Are you sure the records are valid? Double click on the OLE DB Destination and select "Error output" and ensure that it is set to "Fail component" instead of "Ignore failure."|||Try using a destination table which has no rows. Then run your package, and see if the destination table has any rows now. That will help you identify if rows are not being inserted at all, or were inserted but some other failure happened.
|||so, the destination table's totally empty. I ran the package all the way through and it's still not working!!! I can tell somethings happening since my drive's filling up as the thing trudges along. Very, very irritating~
JimiTooCool wrote:
so, the destination table's totally empty. I ran the package all the way through and it's still not working!!! I can tell somethings happening since my drive's filling up as the thing trudges along. Very, very irritating~
Did you make sure that the error handling of the OLE DB destination was set to "Fail component"?
Records newer than 90 minutes (smalldatetime)
I have a table in SQLServer2000 where e.g. the actual time is insert for
every record (smalldatetime). But how do I select every records newer
than 90 minutes?
/ChrisOn Mon, 08 Nov 2004 21:24:33 +0100, Chris wrote:
>I have a table in SQLServer2000 where e.g. the actual time is insert for
>every record (smalldatetime). But how do I select every records newer
>than 90 minutes?
Hi Chris,
SELECT Column1, Column2, ..., ColumnN
FROM MyTable
WHERE InsertionTime > DATEADD(minute, -90, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
Best, Hugo
(Remove _NO_ and _SPAM_ to get my e-mail address)|||On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 21:24:33 +0100, Chris wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a table in SQLServer2000 where e.g. the actual time is insert for
> every record (smalldatetime). But how do I select every records newer
> than 90 minutes?
> /Chris
SELECT * FROM Tbl WHERE DateDiff(m,time_column,GetDate()) BETWEEN 0 AND 90
And you'd better have an index on your time_column.|||On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 16:45:45 -0500, Ross Presser wrote:
>On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 21:24:33 +0100, Chris wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a table in SQLServer2000 where e.g. the actual time is insert for
>> every record (smalldatetime). But how do I select every records newer
>> than 90 minutes?
>> /Chris
>SELECT * FROM Tbl WHERE DateDiff(m,time_column,GetDate()) BETWEEN 0 AND 90
>And you'd better have an index on your time_column.
Hi Ross,
As far as I know, that index won't be used in your query, since the
time_column is embedded in a function call. You'd have to have the
time_column all by itself at one side of a comparison operator (like in my
query) for the index to be useful.
Best, Hugo
(Remove _NO_ and _SPAM_ to get my e-mail address)|||Hugo Kornelis <hugo@.pe_NO_rFact.in_SPAM_fo> wrote in
> On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 16:45:45 -0500, Ross Presser wrote:
>>On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 21:24:33 +0100, Chris wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a table in SQLServer2000 where e.g. the actual time is insert
>>> for every record (smalldatetime). But how do I select every records
>>> newer than 90 minutes?
>>> /Chris
>>SELECT * FROM Tbl WHERE DateDiff(m,time_column,GetDate()) BETWEEN 0
>>AND 90
>>And you'd better have an index on your time_column.
> Hi Ross,
> As far as I know, that index won't be used in your query, since the
> time_column is embedded in a function call. You'd have to have the
> time_column all by itself at one side of a comparison operator (like
> in my query) for the index to be useful.
> Best, Hugo
Thank you for clarifying my fuzzy thinking, Hugo. Your query is much better
in that respect.
Records lost on database
Replication occurs every ten minutes. A problem occurs when they capture
employee information through a web application affecting several tables that
the information in some of the tables "disappears". What would be the best
way for me to investigate what the problem could be?
It depends on how the info was added. If it is a bulk insert, or a fast load
from DTS, then the replication triggers won't fire by default, and the data
will be left on one side only. Is that what you're seeing? If it is instead
that data is successfully added then disappears, it might be that you have
compensating changes occurring
Records last month
Today's month is 9 as in September. How can I retrieve records entered last month?
This is what I got so far...
WHERE (Classes.CLWhenDt >= DATEADD([MONTH], - 1, GETDATE()))
WHERE MONTH(Classes.CLWhenDt)=8
WHERE Classes.CLWhenDt > '07/31/2006' AND Classes.CLWhenDt <'09/01/2006'
WHERE DATEDIFF(m,Classes.CLWhenDT,getutcdate())=1
Or this will perform faster:
WHERE Classes.CLWhenDT>=DATEADD(m,DATEDIFF(m,0,getutcdate())-1,0) AND Classes.CLWhenDT<DATEADD(m,DATEDIFF(m,0,getutcdate()),0)
|||Thanks for all your replies. I used this one "WHERE Classes.CLWhenDt > '07/31/2006' AND Classes.CLWhenDt <'09/01/2006'" as a temp solution but I will try your reply Motley.|||Actually, that will catch dates that part way through 7/31. You should use:
WHERE Classes.CLWhenDt>='08/01/2006' AND Classes.CLWhenDt<'09/01/2006' instead, unless you are sure that CLWhenDt never contains a time component (aka always set to midnight).
Records in a database
In a table.. Select count(*) from tableName.
"robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message
>I need some help. How can I find how many records are in a data base.|||For a quick (estimated ) rowcount, sp_spaceused tablename,,, This data is
stored in Sysindexes, in case you wish to write your own query.
Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
Mariner, Charlotte, NC
(Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
community of SQL Server professionals.
"robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message
> I need some help. How can I find how many records are in a data base.|||Thanks guys, how would I colloct the record count of the database.
"Wayne Snyder" wrote:
> For a quick (estimated ) rowcount, sp_spaceused tablename,,, This data is
> stored in Sysindexes, in case you wish to write your own query.
> --
> Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
> Mariner, Charlotte, NC
> (Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
> I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
> community of SQL Server professionals.
> "robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message
> > I need some help. How can I find how many records are in a data base.
>|||Expanding on Wayne's response, you can get an estimated rowcount from
sysindexes using the query below. You can execute sp_spaceused
@.updateusage=true beforehand to improve accuracy.
FROM sysindexes
indid IN(0, 1) AND
OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message
> Thanks guys, how would I colloct the record count of the database.
> "Wayne Snyder" wrote:
>> For a quick (estimated ) rowcount, sp_spaceused tablename,,, This data is
>> stored in Sysindexes, in case you wish to write your own query.
>> --
>> Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
>> Mariner, Charlotte, NC
>> (Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
>> I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
>> community of SQL Server professionals.
>> "robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message
>> > I need some help. How can I find how many records are in a data base.
>>|||robert_at_cbb wrote:
> Thanks guys, how would I colloct the record count of the database.
> "Wayne Snyder" wrote:
>> For a quick (estimated ) rowcount, sp_spaceused tablename,,, This
>> data is stored in Sysindexes, in case you wish to write your own
>> query.
>> --
>> Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
>> Mariner, Charlotte, NC
>> (Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
>> I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
>> community of SQL Server professionals.
>> "robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in
>> message
>> I need some help. How can I find how many records are in a data
>> base.
There was a recent post on this same problem:
See the thread called "Total rows in Database". There were a number of
solutions presented.
David Gugick
Imceda Software
Records in a database
In a table, or database?
In a table.. Select count(*) from tableName.
"robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message
>I need some help. How can I find how many records are in a data base.
|||For a quick (estimated ) rowcount, sp_spaceused tablename,,, This data is
stored in Sysindexes, in case you wish to write your own query.
Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
Mariner, Charlotte, NC
(Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
community of SQL Server professionals.
"robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message
> I need some help. How can I find how many records are in a data base.
|||Thanks guys, how would I colloct the record count of the database.
"Wayne Snyder" wrote:
> For a quick (estimated ) rowcount, sp_spaceused tablename,,, This data is
> stored in Sysindexes, in case you wish to write your own query.
> --
> Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
> Mariner, Charlotte, NC
> (Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
> I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
> community of SQL Server professionals.
> "robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message
|||Expanding on Wayne's response, you can get an estimated rowcount from
sysindexes using the query below. You can execute sp_spaceused
@.updateusage=true beforehand to improve accuracy.
FROM sysindexes
indid IN(0, 1) AND
OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> Thanks guys, how would I colloct the record count of the database.
> "Wayne Snyder" wrote:
|||robert_at_cbb wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> Thanks guys, how would I colloct the record count of the database.
> "Wayne Snyder" wrote:
There was a recent post on this same problem:
See the thread called "Total rows in Database". There were a number of
solutions presented.
David Gugick
Imceda Software
Records in a database
In a table.. Select count(*) from tableName.
"robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message
>I need some help. How can I find how many records are in a data base.|||For a quick (estimated ) rowcount, sp_spaceused tablename,,, This data is
stored in Sysindexes, in case you wish to write your own query.
Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
Mariner, Charlotte, NC
(Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
community of SQL Server professionals.
"robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message
> I need some help. How can I find how many records are in a data base.|||Thanks guys, how would I colloct the record count of the database.
"Wayne Snyder" wrote:
> For a quick (estimated ) rowcount, sp_spaceused tablename,,, This data is
> stored in Sysindexes, in case you wish to write your own query.
> --
> Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
> Mariner, Charlotte, NC
> (Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
> I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
> community of SQL Server professionals.
> "robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message
>|||Expanding on Wayne's response, you can get an estimated rowcount from
sysindexes using the query below. You can execute sp_spaceused
@.updateusage=true beforehand to improve accuracy.
FROM sysindexes
indid IN(0, 1) AND
OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"robert_at_cbb" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> Thanks guys, how would I colloct the record count of the database.
> "Wayne Snyder" wrote:
>|||robert_at_cbb wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> Thanks guys, how would I colloct the record count of the database.
> "Wayne Snyder" wrote:
There was a recent post on this same problem:
See the thread called "Total rows in Database". There were a number of
solutions presented.
David Gugick
Imceda Software
Records getting deleted mysteriously..
ades running on PCs with Access 2000 Runtime. One of the ADEs is a
package accounting system that is very solid and stable, the other is
a custom application that I wrote (much less solid and stable). The
custom app only deals with a select few tables in the database, and
the table in question is not one of those.
With alarming regularity(daily), records are getting deleted out of a
particular table. I've set up a couple of dummy records in the table
and put a delete trigger on the table that creates record in a 'log'
table that tells me the user and the time that the records are
The deletion (all records in the table) always occurs during business
hours (never over the weekend or at night) and the user responsible
varies among 3 or 4 different users. 2 of those users don't even have
rights to that table, so I'm really confused how those logins could
cause a delete on the table they don't have access to!??!
As far as I can tell, this is only happening to this particular table
( I hope!).
Is there a way that I can get more information on the process or
machine or anything else that is behind the deletion?Hi
Check out any stored procedures to see if the they will delete them as the
ownership chain may allow them to access the table. You may also want to
check for any FKs with cascading deletes.
Usually I would profile this to get an overall view of what activity is
"C Kirby" <> wrote in message
> I'm running a DB using MSDE (2000) that is interfaced by 2 different
> ades running on PCs with Access 2000 Runtime. One of the ADEs is a
> package accounting system that is very solid and stable, the other is
> a custom application that I wrote (much less solid and stable). The
> custom app only deals with a select few tables in the database, and
> the table in question is not one of those.
> With alarming regularity(daily), records are getting deleted out of a
> particular table. I've set up a couple of dummy records in the table
> and put a delete trigger on the table that creates record in a 'log'
> table that tells me the user and the time that the records are
> deleted.
> The deletion (all records in the table) always occurs during business
> hours (never over the weekend or at night) and the user responsible
> varies among 3 or 4 different users. 2 of those users don't even have
> rights to that table, so I'm really confused how those logins could
> cause a delete on the table they don't have access to!??!
> As far as I can tell, this is only happening to this particular table
> ( I hope!).
> Is there a way that I can get more information on the process or
> machine or anything else that is behind the deletion?|||C Kirby ( writes:
> The deletion (all records in the table) always occurs during business
> hours (never over the weekend or at night) and the user responsible
> varies among 3 or 4 different users. 2 of those users don't even have
> rights to that table, so I'm really confused how those logins could
> cause a delete on the table they don't have access to!??!
> As far as I can tell, this is only happening to this particular table
> ( I hope!).
> Is there a way that I can get more information on the process or
> machine or anything else that is behind the deletion?
In addition to John's suggestion, here are a few more tips of what you
could put in the log table:
o The value of @.@.nestlevel. If the value is 1, the trigger was fired from
an explicit DELETE statement. If the value is 2, the trigger may have
been fired from a direct DELETE statement in a stored procedure, or
from another trigger.
o INSERT #tbl EXEC('DBCC INPUTBUFFER (' + ltrim(str(@.@.spid)) +
This will give you the command the user/application submitted. Look
up DBCC INPUTBUFFER in Books Online for details on the result set.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at
Records getting deleted from SQL Server 2000 with Access linked Tables
application that is accessing data from SQL server 2000 through linked
tables in MS Access. It all works very well, except every once in a
while, a record gets deleted from SQL Tables. I know for sure that the
end user is not deleting it, and I am pretty sure its not a bug in the
VB code. I have delete triggers placed, to trap the deleted record and
the time it's deleted. But I have no idea how or why gets deleted. Any
ideas or help on this will really be appreciated.
Thanks<> wrote in message
>I hope someone can help in solving this problem. I have a VB
> application that is accessing data from SQL server 2000 through linked
> tables in MS Access. It all works very well, except every once in a
> while, a record gets deleted from SQL Tables. I know for sure that the
> end user is not deleting it, and I am pretty sure its not a bug in the
> VB code. I have delete triggers placed, to trap the deleted record and
> the time it's deleted. But I have no idea how or why gets deleted. Any
> ideas or help on this will really be appreciated.
> Thanks
Use SQL Profiler to capture the actual statement being executed. Hopefully
that should give you enough to figure out where the problem is.
David Portas, SQL Server MVP
Whenever possible please post enough code to reproduce your problem.
Including CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements usually helps.
State what version of SQL Server you are using and specify the content
of any error messages.
SQL Server Books Online:,SQL.90).aspx
--|||I actually used SQL profiler, and tracked the transactions at the time
of deletion. But I have no idea what any of the entries mean. It has
several errors in it, but I can't find what it means. Besides, those
errors were tracked in the Profiler all the time. The record delete
time was 5/16/2006 3:46:14 PM. Here is what SQL Profiler recorded: I
hope you or someone can make sense out of it. Thanks.
Row Number Event Class Text Data Transaction ID NTUserName Application
Name Login Name SPID Duration Start Time Reads Writes CPU
3903047 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 17,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.003 10 0 0
3903048 10 exec sp_execute 2, 263 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.003 2 0 0
3903049 10 exec sp_execute 2,
778 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.003 2 0 0
3903050 10 exec
sp_reset_connection NULL NULL 496 Main s
tate 256 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.020 0 0 0
3903051 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006
15:46:14.020 NULL NULL NULL
3903052 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006
15:46:14.020 NULL NULL NULL
3903053 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'exec Reminders', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.020 16 0 0
3903054 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1849 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.020 2 0 0
3903055 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 18,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.020 10 0 0
3903056 10 exec sp_execute 5, 22 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.020 2 0 0
3903057 10 exec sp_execute 2, 264 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.020 2 0 0
3903058 10 exec sp_execute 1,
814 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.037 1 0 0
3903059 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1737 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.037 2 0 0
3903060 10 exec sp_execute 5, 23 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.037 2 0 0
3903061 10 exec sp_execute 2,
779 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.037 2 0 0
3903062 10 exec sp_execute 2, 265 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.050 2 0 0
3903063 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 19,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.050 10 0 0
3903064 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1850 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.050 2 0 0
3903065 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006
15:46:14.050 NULL NULL NULL
3903066 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006
15:46:14.050 NULL NULL NULL
3903067 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N' EXEC Reminders ', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.050 16 0 0
3903068 10 exec sp_execute 5, 24 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.067 2 0 0
3903069 10 exec sp_execute 2, 266 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.067 2 0 0
3903070 10 exec sp_execute 2,
780 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.083 2 0 0
3903071 10 exec sp_execute 5, 25 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.083 2 0 0
3903072 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 20,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.083 10 0 0
3903073 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1851 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.083 2 0 0
3903074 10 exec sp_unprepare 4 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.100 0 0 0
3903075 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1247 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.100 2 0 0
3903076 10 exec sp_execute 2, 267 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.113 2 0 0
3903077 10 exec sp_execute 1,
815 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.113 1 0 0
3903078 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 21,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.113 10 0 0
3903079 10 exec sp_execute 2,
781 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.113 2 0 0
3903080 15 NULL NULL NULL 128 Main state
133 763 2006-05-16
15:46:13.350 21 0 0
3903081 10 exec sp_unprepare 1 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.113 0 0 0
3903082 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1853 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.113 2 0 0
3903084 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 22,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.130 10 0 0
3903085 10 exec sp_execute 2, 268 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.130 2 0 0
3903086 10 exec sp_execute 2,
782 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.147 2 0 0
3903087 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1248 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.147 2 0 0
3903088 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1855 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.160 2 0 0
3903089 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 23,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.160 10 0 0
3903090 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=180150000 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=1
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=16388 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=7206 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'select * from Reminders', @.P2 output, @.P3
output, @.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 76 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.083 36263 0 78
3903091 10 exec sp_execute 2, 269 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.177 2 0 0
3903092 10 exec sp_execute 2,
783 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.177 2 0 0
3903093 10 exec sp_execute 1,
817 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.177 1 0 0
3903094 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 24,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.193 10 0 0
3903095 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1856 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.193 2 0 0
3903096 14 -- network protocol: TCP/IP set quoted_identifier on set
implicit_transactions off set cursor_close_on_commit off set
ansi_warnings on set ansi_padding on set ansi_nulls on set
concat_null_yields_null on set language us_english set dateformat mdy
set datef NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office 2003 state 75 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.193 NULL NULL NULL
3903097 10 exec sp_execute 2, 270 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.193 2 0 0
3903098 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1249 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 13 20
06-05-16 15:46:14.193 2 0 16
3903099 50 NULL 107461898 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903100 54 NULL 107461898 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903101 54 NULL 107461898 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903102 50 NULL 107461898 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903103 54 NULL 107461898 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903104 50 NULL 107461900 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903105 50 NULL 107461900 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903106 50 NULL 107461901 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903107 50 NULL 107461901 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903108 50 NULL 107461902 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903109 54 NULL 107461902 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903110 50 NULL 107461902 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903111 54 NULL 107461902 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903112 50 NULL 107461915 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903113 54 NULL 107461915 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903114 54 NULL 107461915 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903115 50 NULL 107461915 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903116 54 NULL 107461915 NULL 0 NULL sa
5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903117 10 exec sp_cursoroption 180150000, 1,
0 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.207 0 0 0
3903118 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 1,
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.207 18 0 0
3903119 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 25,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.207 10 0 0
3903120 10 exec sp_execute 2,
784 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.207 2 0 0
3903121 10 exec sp_execute 2, 271 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.223 2 0 0
3903122 12 SELECT "dbo"."Reminders"."reminderID" FROM "dbo"."Reminders"
WHERE (NOT(("remind" = 0 ) ) AND ("remDate" <= {d '2006-05-16'} ) )
NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office 2003 state 75 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.223 119 0 0
3903123 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1909 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.223 2 0 0
3903124 10 exec sp_execute 2, 272 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.240 2 0 0
3903125 12 SET TEXTSIZE 2147483647 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.240 0 0 0
3903126 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 26,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.240 10 0 0
3903127 50 NULL 107461940 NULL 496 Main
state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903128 54 NULL 107461940 NULL 496 Main
state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903129 54 NULL 107461940 NULL 496 Main
state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903130 50 NULL 107461940 NULL 496 Main
state 256 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903131 50 NULL 107461945 NULL 496 Main
state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903132 54 NULL 107461945 NULL 496 Main
state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903133 54 NULL 107461945 NULL 496 Main
state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903134 50 NULL 107461945 NULL 496 Main
state 256 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903135 54 NULL 107461945 NULL 496 Main
state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903136 54 NULL 107461940 NULL 496 Main
state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903137 10 exec sp_cursor 180150000, 4, 0, N'Reminders', @.postDate =
'May 16 2006 12:00AM', @.remDate = 'May 16 2006 12:00AM', @.remind = 0,
@.quoteFollow = 0, @.quoteDate = 'May 17 2006 12:00AM', @.impDate = 'May
16 2006 12:00AM' NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0
15:46:14.253 18 0 0
3903138 10 exec sp_execute 2,
775 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.253 2 0 0
3903139 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1250 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.253 2 0 0
3903140 10 exec sp_execute 1,
818 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.253 1 0 0
3903141 10 exec sp_execute 2, 273 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.253 2 0 0
3903142 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1871 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.253 2 0 0
3903143 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=6 exec sp_prepexec @.P1 output, N'@.P1
int', N'SELECT
low","paymentDate","renewFol NULL NULL 128 Microsoft
Office 2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.253 12 0 0
3903144 10 exec sp_cursorclose
180150000 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0
2006-05-16 15:46:14.287 15 0 0
3903145 10 exec sp_execute 2, 274 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.287 2 0 0
3903146 10 exec sp_execute 2,
838 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.287 2 0 0
3903147 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1939 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.300 2 0 0
3903148 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1251 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.300 2 0 0
3903149 10 exec sp_execute 2, 275 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.300 2 0 0
3903150 10 exec
sp_reset_connection NULL NULL 496 Main s
tate 158 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.317 0 0 0
3903151 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006
15:46:14.317 NULL NULL NULL
3903152 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006
15:46:14.317 NULL NULL NULL
3903153 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'exec Commissions', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.317 16 0 0
3903154 10 exec sp_execute 2,
840 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.317 2 0 0
3903155 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1940 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.333 2 0 0
3903156 10 exec sp_execute 2, 276 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.333 2 0 0
3903157 10 exec sp_execute 1,
819 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.333 1 0 0
3903158 10 exec sp_execute 6, 807 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.333 6 0 0
3903159 10 exec sp_execute 6, 807 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.350 6 0 0
3903160 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1252 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.350 2 0 0
3903161 10 exec sp_execute 2,
841 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.350 2 0 0
3903162 10 exec sp_execute 2, 277 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.350 2 0 0
3903163 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006
15:46:14.350 NULL NULL NULL
3903164 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006
15:46:14.350 NULL NULL NULL
3903165 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N' EXEC Commissions ', @.P2 output, @.P3
output, @.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.350 16 0 0
3903166 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1941 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.363 2 0 0
3903167 10 exec sp_execute 2, 278 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.380 2 0 0
3903168 10 exec sp_execute 2,
842 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.380 2 0 0
3903169 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1942 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.397 2 0 0
3903170 10 exec sp_execute 2, 279 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.397 2 0 0
3903171 10 exec sp_execute 1,
822 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.397 1 0 0
3903172 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1253 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.397 2 0 0
3903173 10 exec sp_execute 2,
843 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.427 2 0 0
3903174 10 exec sp_execute 2, 280 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.427 2 0 0
3903175 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1943 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.427 2 0 0
3903176 10 exec sp_execute 2, 281 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.457 2 0 0
3903177 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1254 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.457 2 0 0
3903178 10 exec sp_execute 2,
844 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.457 2 0 0
3903179 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1944 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.473 2 0 0
3903180 10 exec sp_execute 1,
823 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.473 1 0 0
3903181 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=180150000 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=1
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=16388 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=8128 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'select * from Commissions', @.P2 output, @.P3
output, @.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 76 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.397 40923 0 78
3903182 10 exec sp_execute 2, 282 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.490 2 0 0
3903183 10 exec sp_execute 2,
845 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.490 2 0 0
3903184 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1945 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.503 2 0 0
3903185 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 27,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.503 10 0 0
3903186 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1255 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.503 2 0 0
3903187 10 exec sp_execute 2, 283 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.503 2 0 0
3903188 10 exec sp_cursoroption 180150000, 1,
0 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.520 0 0 0
3903189 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 1,
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.520 18 0 0
3903190 10 exec sp_execute 2,
847 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.520 2 0 0
3903191 10 exec sp_execute 2, 284 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.537 2 0 0
3903192 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 28,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.537 10 0 0
3903193 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1946 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.537 2 0 0
3903194 10 exec sp_execute 2, 285 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.550 2 0 0
3903195 10 exec sp_execute 2,
848 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.550 2 0 0
3903196 50 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main
state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903197 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1256 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.550 2 0 0
3903198 54 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main
state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903199 54 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main
state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903200 54 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main
state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903201 50 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main
state 158 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903202 50 NULL 107462031 NULL 496 Main
state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903203 54 NULL 107462031 NULL 496 Main
state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903204 54 NULL 107462031 NULL 496 Main
state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903205 50 NULL 107462031 NULL 496 Main
state 158 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903206 54 NULL 107462031 NULL 496 Main
state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903207 54 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main
state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903208 10 exec sp_cursor 180150000, 4, 0, N'Commissions', @.Transaction
= N'New Business', @.paid = 0, @.rec = 0, @.pdDate = 'May 16 2006
12:00AM', @.pdCheckNum = N'', @.Notes =
N'' NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.550 23 0 0
3903209 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 29,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.550 10 0 0
3903210 10 exec sp_execute 1,
827 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.567 1 0 0
3903211 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1947 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.567 2 0 0
3903212 10 exec sp_execute 2, 286 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.583 2 0 0
3903213 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 30,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.583 10 0 0
3903214 10 exec sp_execute 2,
849 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.583 2 0 0
3903215 10 exec sp_cursorclose
180150000 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0
2006-05-16 15:46:14.583 18 0 0
3903216 10 exec sp_execute 2, 287 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.600 2 0 0
3903217 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1949 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 13 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.600 2 0 15
3903218 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 31,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.613 10 0 0
3903219 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1257 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.613 2 0 0
3903220 10 exec sp_execute 2, 288 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.630 2 0 0
3903221 10 exec sp_execute 2,
850 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.630 2 0 0
3903222 10 exec
sp_reset_connection NULL NULL 496 Main s
tate 256 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.630 0 0 0
3903223 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006
15:46:14.630 NULL NULL NULL
3903224 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006
15:46:14.630 NULL NULL NULL
3903225 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'exec Commissions', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.630 16 0 0
3903226 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 32,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.630 10 0 0
3903227 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1950 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.647 2 0 0
3903228 10 exec sp_execute 2, 289 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.647 2 0 0
3903229 10 exec sp_execute 2,
823 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.660 2 0 0
3903230 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1258 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.660 2 0 0
3903231 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006
15:46:14.660 NULL NULL NULL
3903232 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006
15:46:14.660 NULL NULL NULL
3903233 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N' EXEC Commissions ', @.P2 output, @.P3
output, @.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.660 16 0 0
3903234 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 33,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.660 10 0 0
3903235 10 exec sp_execute 2, 290 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.660 2 0 0
3903236 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1951 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.677 2 0 0
3903237 10 exec sp_execute 1,
828 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.677 1 0 0
3903238 10 exec sp_execute 2,
716 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.693 2 0 0
3903239 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 34,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.693 10 0 0
3903240 10 exec sp_execute 2, 291 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.693 2 0 0
3903241 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1952 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.707 2 0 0
3903242 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1259 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.707 2 0 0
3903243 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 35,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.723 10 0 0
3903244 10 exec sp_execute 2, 292 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.723 2 0 0
3903245 10 exec sp_execute 2,
864 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.723 2 0 0
3903246 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1541 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.740 2 0 0
3903247 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 36,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.753 10 0 0
3903248 10 exec sp_execute 2,
865 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.753 2 0 0
3903249 10 exec sp_execute 1,
829 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.753 1 0 0
3903250 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1286 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.753 2 0 0
3903251 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 37,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.787 10 0 0
3903252 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=180150000 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=1
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=16388 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=8129 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'select * from Commissions', @.P2 output, @.P3
output, @.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 93 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.693 40928 0 94
3903253 10 exec sp_execute 2,
866 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.787 2 0 0
3903254 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 38,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.800 10 0 0
3903255 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1287 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.817 2 0 0
3903256 10 exec sp_execute 2,
867 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.817 2 0 0
3903257 10 exec sp_cursoroption 180150000, 1,
0 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.817 0 0 0
3903258 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 1,
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.817 18 0 0
3903259 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 39,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.833 10 0 0
3903260 10 exec sp_execute 1,
830 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.833 1 0 0
3903261 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 40,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.850 10 0 0
3903262 10 exec sp_execute 2,
868 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.863 2 0 0
3903263 10 exec sp_cursorclose
180150000 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0
2006-05-16 15:46:14.863 18 0 0
3903264 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1288 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.863 2 0 0
3903265 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 41,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.880 10 0 0
3903266 10 exec sp_execute 2,
869 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.897 2 0 0
3903267 10 exec
sp_reset_connection NULL NULL 496 Main s
tate 158 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.897 0 0 0
3903268 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006
15:46:14.897 NULL NULL NULL
3903269 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006
15:46:14.897 NULL NULL NULL
3903270 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'exec Reminders', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.897 16 0 0
3903271 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 42,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.910 10 0 0
3903272 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1289 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.910 2 0 0
3903273 10 exec sp_execute 1,
831 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.927 1 0 0
3903274 10 exec sp_execute 2,
870 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.927 2 0 0
3903275 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006
15:46:14.927 NULL NULL NULL
3903276 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006
15:46:14.927 NULL NULL NULL
3903277 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N' EXEC Reminders ', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.927 16 0 0
3903278 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 43,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.943 10 0 0
3903279 10 exec sp_execute 2,
871 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.957 2 0 0
3903280 10 exec sp_execute 2, 293 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.957 2 0 0
3903281 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1290 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 200
6-05-16 15:46:14.957 2 0 0
3903282 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 44,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.957 10 0 0
3903283 10 exec sp_execute 2, 294 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.990 2 0 0
3903284 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 45,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.990 10 0 0
3903285 10 exec sp_execute 2,
872 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006
-05-16 15:46:14.990 2 0 0
David Portas wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> Use SQL Profiler to capture the actual statement being executed. Hopefully
> that should give you enough to figure out where the problem is.
> --
> David Portas, SQL Server MVP
> Whenever possible please post enough code to reproduce your problem.
> Including CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements usually helps.
> State what version of SQL Server you are using and specify the content
> of any error messages.
> SQL Server Books Online:
> --|||Try running profiler to capture when it is getting deleted.
You can use filter for TEXTDATA column like '%DELETE%XXXX%' where XXXX is
table name..
<> wrote in message
>I hope someone can help in solving this problem. I have a VB
> application that is accessing data from SQL server 2000 through linked
> tables in MS Access. It all works very well, except every once in a
> while, a record gets deleted from SQL Tables. I know for sure that the
> end user is not deleting it, and I am pretty sure its not a bug in the
> VB code. I have delete triggers placed, to trap the deleted record and
> the time it's deleted. But I have no idea how or why gets deleted. Any
> ideas or help on this will really be appreciated.
> Thanks
>|||Thats a good advice. Thanks. I am not really familiar with profiler.
I'll try to add this option to just track deletes. What other fields or
options should I use?
Thanks again.
Jayesh Antony Jose wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> Try running profiler to capture when it is getting deleted.
> You can use filter for TEXTDATA column like '%DELETE%XXXX%' where XXXX is
> table name..
> Jayesh
> <> wrote in message
>|||Thats a good advice. Thanks. I am not really familiar with profiler.
I'll try to add this option to just track deletes. What other fields or
options should I use?
Thanks again.
Jayesh Antony Jose wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> Try running profiler to capture when it is getting deleted.
> You can use filter for TEXTDATA column like '%DELETE%XXXX%' where XXXX is
> table name..
> Jayesh
> <> wrote in message
Records getting deleted from SQL Server 2000 with Access linked Tables
application that is accessing data from SQL server 2000 through linked
tables in MS Access. It all works very well, except every once in a
while, a record gets deleted from SQL Tables. I know for sure that the
end user is not deleting it, and I am pretty sure its not a bug in the
VB code. I have delete triggers placed, to trap the deleted record and
the time it's deleted. But I have no idea how or why gets deleted. Any
ideas or help on this will really be appreciated.
Thanks<> wrote in message
>I hope someone can help in solving this problem. I have a VB
> application that is accessing data from SQL server 2000 through linked
> tables in MS Access. It all works very well, except every once in a
> while, a record gets deleted from SQL Tables. I know for sure that the
> end user is not deleting it, and I am pretty sure its not a bug in the
> VB code. I have delete triggers placed, to trap the deleted record and
> the time it's deleted. But I have no idea how or why gets deleted. Any
> ideas or help on this will really be appreciated.
> Thanks
Use SQL Profiler to capture the actual statement being executed. Hopefully
that should give you enough to figure out where the problem is.
David Portas, SQL Server MVP
Whenever possible please post enough code to reproduce your problem.
Including CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements usually helps.
State what version of SQL Server you are using and specify the content
of any error messages.
SQL Server Books Online:,SQL.90).aspx
--|||I actually used SQL profiler, and tracked the transactions at the time
of deletion. But I have no idea what any of the entries mean. It has
several errors in it, but I can't find what it means. Besides, those
errors were tracked in the Profiler all the time. The record delete
time was 5/16/2006 3:46:14 PM. Here is what SQL Profiler recorded: I
hope you or someone can make sense out of it. Thanks.
Row Number Event Class Text Data Transaction ID NTUserName Application
Name Login Name SPID Duration Start Time Reads Writes CPU
3903047 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 17,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.003 10 0 0
3903048 10 exec sp_execute 2, 263 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.003 2 0 0
3903049 10 exec sp_execute 2,
778 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.003 2 0 0
3903050 10 exec
sp_reset_connection NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.020 0 0 0
3903051 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.020 NULL NULL NULL
3903052 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.020 NULL NULL NULL
3903053 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'exec Reminders', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.020 16 0 0
3903054 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1849 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.020 2 0 0
3903055 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 18,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.020 10 0 0
3903056 10 exec sp_execute 5, 22 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.020 2 0 0
3903057 10 exec sp_execute 2, 264 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.020 2 0 0
3903058 10 exec sp_execute 1,
814 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.037 1 0 0
3903059 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1737 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.037 2 0 0
3903060 10 exec sp_execute 5, 23 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.037 2 0 0
3903061 10 exec sp_execute 2,
779 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.037 2 0 0
3903062 10 exec sp_execute 2, 265 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.050 2 0 0
3903063 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 19,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.050 10 0 0
3903064 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1850 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.050 2 0 0
3903065 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.050 NULL NULL NULL
3903066 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.050 NULL NULL NULL
3903067 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N' EXEC Reminders ', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.050 16 0 0
3903068 10 exec sp_execute 5, 24 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.067 2 0 0
3903069 10 exec sp_execute 2, 266 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.067 2 0 0
3903070 10 exec sp_execute 2,
780 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.083 2 0 0
3903071 10 exec sp_execute 5, 25 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.083 2 0 0
3903072 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 20,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.083 10 0 0
3903073 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1851 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.083 2 0 0
3903074 10 exec sp_unprepare 4 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.100 0 0 0
3903075 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1247 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.100 2 0 0
3903076 10 exec sp_execute 2, 267 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.113 2 0 0
3903077 10 exec sp_execute 1,
815 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.113 1 0 0
3903078 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 21,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.113 10 0 0
3903079 10 exec sp_execute 2,
781 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.113 2 0 0
3903080 15 NULL NULL NULL 128 Main state 133 763 2006-05-16
15:46:13.350 21 0 0
3903081 10 exec sp_unprepare 1 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.113 0 0 0
3903082 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1853 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.113 2 0 0
3903084 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 22,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.130 10 0 0
3903085 10 exec sp_execute 2, 268 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.130 2 0 0
3903086 10 exec sp_execute 2,
782 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.147 2 0 0
3903087 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1248 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.147 2 0 0
3903088 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1855 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.160 2 0 0
3903089 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 23,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.160 10 0 0
3903090 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=180150000 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=1
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=16388 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=7206 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'select * from Reminders', @.P2 output, @.P3
output, @.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 76 2006-05-16 15:46:14.083 36263 0 78
3903091 10 exec sp_execute 2, 269 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.177 2 0 0
3903092 10 exec sp_execute 2,
783 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.177 2 0 0
3903093 10 exec sp_execute 1,
817 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.177 1 0 0
3903094 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 24,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.193 10 0 0
3903095 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1856 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.193 2 0 0
3903096 14 -- network protocol: TCP/IP set quoted_identifier on set
implicit_transactions off set cursor_close_on_commit off set
ansi_warnings on set ansi_padding on set ansi_nulls on set
concat_null_yields_null on set language us_english set dateformat mdy
set datef NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office 2003 state 75 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.193 NULL NULL NULL
3903097 10 exec sp_execute 2, 270 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.193 2 0 0
3903098 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1249 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 13 2006-05-16 15:46:14.193 2 0 16
3903099 50 NULL 107461898 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903100 54 NULL 107461898 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903101 54 NULL 107461898 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903102 50 NULL 107461898 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903103 54 NULL 107461898 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903104 50 NULL 107461900 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903105 50 NULL 107461900 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903106 50 NULL 107461901 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903107 50 NULL 107461901 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903108 50 NULL 107461902 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903109 54 NULL 107461902 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903110 50 NULL 107461902 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903111 54 NULL 107461902 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903112 50 NULL 107461915 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903113 54 NULL 107461915 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903114 54 NULL 107461915 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903115 50 NULL 107461915 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903116 54 NULL 107461915 NULL 0 NULL sa 5 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.207 NULL NULL NULL
3903117 10 exec sp_cursoroption 180150000, 1,
0 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.207 0 0 0
3903118 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 1,
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.207 18 0 0
3903119 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 25,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.207 10 0 0
3903120 10 exec sp_execute 2,
784 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.207 2 0 0
3903121 10 exec sp_execute 2, 271 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.223 2 0 0
3903122 12 SELECT "dbo"."Reminders"."reminderID" FROM "dbo"."Reminders"
WHERE (NOT(("remind" = 0 ) ) AND ("remDate" <= {d '2006-05-16'} ) )
NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office 2003 state 75 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.223 119 0 0
3903123 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1909 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.223 2 0 0
3903124 10 exec sp_execute 2, 272 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.240 2 0 0
3903125 12 SET TEXTSIZE 2147483647 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.240 0 0 0
3903126 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 26,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.240 10 0 0
3903127 50 NULL 107461940 NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903128 54 NULL 107461940 NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903129 54 NULL 107461940 NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903130 50 NULL 107461940 NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903131 50 NULL 107461945 NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903132 54 NULL 107461945 NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903133 54 NULL 107461945 NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903134 50 NULL 107461945 NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903135 54 NULL 107461945 NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903136 54 NULL 107461940 NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 NULL NULL NULL
3903137 10 exec sp_cursor 180150000, 4, 0, N'Reminders', @.postDate ='May 16 2006 12:00AM', @.remDate = 'May 16 2006 12:00AM', @.remind = 0,
@.quoteFollow = 0, @.quoteDate = 'May 17 2006 12:00AM', @.impDate = 'May
16 2006 12:00AM' NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.253 18 0 0
3903138 10 exec sp_execute 2,
775 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.253 2 0 0
3903139 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1250 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.253 2 0 0
3903140 10 exec sp_execute 1,
818 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.253 1 0 0
3903141 10 exec sp_execute 2, 273 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.253 2 0 0
3903142 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1871 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.253 2 0 0
3903143 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=6 exec sp_prepexec @.P1 output, N'@.P1
int', N'SELECT
"reminderID","AgentID","ClientID","CompanyID","postDate","remDate","comDate","done","remind","category","critical","quoteFollow","quoteDate","paymentFollow","paymentDate","renewFol NULL NULL 128 Microsoft
Office 2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.253 12 0 0
3903144 10 exec sp_cursorclose
180150000 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.287 15 0 0
3903145 10 exec sp_execute 2, 274 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.287 2 0 0
3903146 10 exec sp_execute 2,
838 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.287 2 0 0
3903147 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1939 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.300 2 0 0
3903148 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1251 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.300 2 0 0
3903149 10 exec sp_execute 2, 275 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.300 2 0 0
3903150 10 exec
sp_reset_connection NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.317 0 0 0
3903151 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.317 NULL NULL NULL
3903152 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.317 NULL NULL NULL
3903153 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'exec Commissions', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.317 16 0 0
3903154 10 exec sp_execute 2,
840 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.317 2 0 0
3903155 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1940 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.333 2 0 0
3903156 10 exec sp_execute 2, 276 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.333 2 0 0
3903157 10 exec sp_execute 1,
819 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.333 1 0 0
3903158 10 exec sp_execute 6, 807 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.333 6 0 0
3903159 10 exec sp_execute 6, 807 NULL NULL 128 Microsoft Office
2003 state 253 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.350 6 0 0
3903160 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1252 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.350 2 0 0
3903161 10 exec sp_execute 2,
841 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.350 2 0 0
3903162 10 exec sp_execute 2, 277 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.350 2 0 0
3903163 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.350 NULL NULL NULL
3903164 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.350 NULL NULL NULL
3903165 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N' EXEC Commissions ', @.P2 output, @.P3
output, @.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.350 16 0 0
3903166 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1941 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.363 2 0 0
3903167 10 exec sp_execute 2, 278 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.380 2 0 0
3903168 10 exec sp_execute 2,
842 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.380 2 0 0
3903169 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1942 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.397 2 0 0
3903170 10 exec sp_execute 2, 279 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.397 2 0 0
3903171 10 exec sp_execute 1,
822 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.397 1 0 0
3903172 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1253 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.397 2 0 0
3903173 10 exec sp_execute 2,
843 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.427 2 0 0
3903174 10 exec sp_execute 2, 280 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.427 2 0 0
3903175 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1943 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.427 2 0 0
3903176 10 exec sp_execute 2, 281 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.457 2 0 0
3903177 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1254 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.457 2 0 0
3903178 10 exec sp_execute 2,
844 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.457 2 0 0
3903179 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1944 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.473 2 0 0
3903180 10 exec sp_execute 1,
823 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.473 1 0 0
3903181 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=180150000 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=1
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=16388 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=8128 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'select * from Commissions', @.P2 output, @.P3
output, @.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 76 2006-05-16 15:46:14.397 40923 0 78
3903182 10 exec sp_execute 2, 282 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.490 2 0 0
3903183 10 exec sp_execute 2,
845 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.490 2 0 0
3903184 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1945 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.503 2 0 0
3903185 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 27,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.503 10 0 0
3903186 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1255 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.503 2 0 0
3903187 10 exec sp_execute 2, 283 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.503 2 0 0
3903188 10 exec sp_cursoroption 180150000, 1,
0 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.520 0 0 0
3903189 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 1,
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.520 18 0 0
3903190 10 exec sp_execute 2,
847 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.520 2 0 0
3903191 10 exec sp_execute 2, 284 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.537 2 0 0
3903192 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 28,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.537 10 0 0
3903193 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1946 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.537 2 0 0
3903194 10 exec sp_execute 2, 285 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.550 2 0 0
3903195 10 exec sp_execute 2,
848 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.550 2 0 0
3903196 50 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903197 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1256 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.550 2 0 0
3903198 54 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903199 54 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903200 54 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903201 50 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903202 50 NULL 107462031 NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903203 54 NULL 107462031 NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903204 54 NULL 107462031 NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903205 50 NULL 107462031 NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903206 54 NULL 107462031 NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903207 54 NULL 107462026 NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.550 NULL NULL NULL
3903208 10 exec sp_cursor 180150000, 4, 0, N'Commissions', @.Transaction
= N'New Business', @.paid = 0, @.rec = 0, @.pdDate = 'May 16 2006
12:00AM', @.pdCheckNum = N'', @.Notes =N'' NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.550 23 0 0
3903209 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 29,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.550 10 0 0
3903210 10 exec sp_execute 1,
827 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.567 1 0 0
3903211 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1947 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.567 2 0 0
3903212 10 exec sp_execute 2, 286 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.583 2 0 0
3903213 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 30,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.583 10 0 0
3903214 10 exec sp_execute 2,
849 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.583 2 0 0
3903215 10 exec sp_cursorclose
180150000 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.583 18 0 0
3903216 10 exec sp_execute 2, 287 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.600 2 0 0
3903217 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1949 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 13 2006-05-16 15:46:14.600 2 0 15
3903218 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 31,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.613 10 0 0
3903219 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1257 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.613 2 0 0
3903220 10 exec sp_execute 2, 288 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.630 2 0 0
3903221 10 exec sp_execute 2,
850 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.630 2 0 0
3903222 10 exec
sp_reset_connection NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.630 0 0 0
3903223 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.630 NULL NULL NULL
3903224 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.630 NULL NULL NULL
3903225 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'exec Commissions', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.630 16 0 0
3903226 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 32,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.630 10 0 0
3903227 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1950 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.647 2 0 0
3903228 10 exec sp_execute 2, 289 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.647 2 0 0
3903229 10 exec sp_execute 2,
823 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.660 2 0 0
3903230 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1258 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.660 2 0 0
3903231 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.660 NULL NULL NULL
3903232 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.660 NULL NULL NULL
3903233 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N' EXEC Commissions ', @.P2 output, @.P3
output, @.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.660 16 0 0
3903234 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 33,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.660 10 0 0
3903235 10 exec sp_execute 2, 290 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.660 2 0 0
3903236 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1951 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.677 2 0 0
3903237 10 exec sp_execute 1,
828 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.677 1 0 0
3903238 10 exec sp_execute 2,
716 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.693 2 0 0
3903239 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 34,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.693 10 0 0
3903240 10 exec sp_execute 2, 291 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.693 2 0 0
3903241 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1952 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.707 2 0 0
3903242 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1259 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.707 2 0 0
3903243 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 35,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.723 10 0 0
3903244 10 exec sp_execute 2, 292 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.723 2 0 0
3903245 10 exec sp_execute 2,
864 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.723 2 0 0
3903246 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1541 NULL NULL 1180 Sync state 69 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.740 2 0 0
3903247 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 36,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.753 10 0 0
3903248 10 exec sp_execute 2,
865 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.753 2 0 0
3903249 10 exec sp_execute 1,
829 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.753 1 0 0
3903250 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1286 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.753 2 0 0
3903251 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 37,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.787 10 0 0
3903252 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=180150000 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=1
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=16388 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=8129 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'select * from Commissions', @.P2 output, @.P3
output, @.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 93 2006-05-16 15:46:14.693 40928 0 94
3903253 10 exec sp_execute 2,
866 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.787 2 0 0
3903254 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 38,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.800 10 0 0
3903255 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1287 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.817 2 0 0
3903256 10 exec sp_execute 2,
867 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.817 2 0 0
3903257 10 exec sp_cursoroption 180150000, 1,
0 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.817 0 0 0
3903258 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 1,
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.817 18 0 0
3903259 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 39,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.833 10 0 0
3903260 10 exec sp_execute 1,
830 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.833 1 0 0
3903261 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 40,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.850 10 0 0
3903262 10 exec sp_execute 2,
868 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.863 2 0 0
3903263 10 exec sp_cursorclose
180150000 NULL NULL 496 Main state 256 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.863 18 0 0
3903264 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1288 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.863 2 0 0
3903265 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 41,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.880 10 0 0
3903266 10 exec sp_execute 2,
869 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.897 2 0 0
3903267 10 exec
sp_reset_connection NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16
15:46:14.897 0 0 0
3903268 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.897 NULL NULL NULL
3903269 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.897 NULL NULL NULL
3903270 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N'exec Reminders', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.897 16 0 0
3903271 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 42,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.910 10 0 0
3903272 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1289 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.910 2 0 0
3903273 10 exec sp_execute 1,
831 NULL NULL 3152 Sync castle 266 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.927 1 0 0
3903274 10 exec sp_execute 2,
870 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.927 2 0 0
3903275 33 Error: 2809, Severity: 18, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.927 NULL NULL NULL
3903276 33 Error: 16945, Severity: 16, State:
1 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 NULL 2006-05-16
15:46:14.927 NULL NULL NULL
3903277 10 declare @.P1 int set @.P1=0 declare @.P2 int set @.P2=98305
declare @.P3 int set @.P3=311300 declare @.P4 int set @.P4=0 exec
sp_cursoropen @.P1 output, N' EXEC Reminders ', @.P2 output, @.P3 output,
@.P4 output select @.P1, @.P2, @.P3,
@.P4 NULL NULL 496 Main state 158 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.927 16 0 0
3903278 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 43,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.943 10 0 0
3903279 10 exec sp_execute 2,
871 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.957 2 0 0
3903280 10 exec sp_execute 2, 293 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.957 2 0 0
3903281 10 exec sp_execute 2,
1290 NULL NULL 1548 Sync state 197 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.957 2 0 0
3903282 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 44,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.957 10 0 0
3903283 10 exec sp_execute 2, 294 NULL NULL 624 Sync state
215 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.990 2 0 0
3903284 10 exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 45,
1 NULL NULL 996 Main state 263 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.990 10 0 0
3903285 10 exec sp_execute 2,
872 NULL NULL 1676 Sync state 214 0 2006-05-16 15:46:14.990 2 0 0
David Portas wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> >I hope someone can help in solving this problem. I have a VB
> > application that is accessing data from SQL server 2000 through linked
> > tables in MS Access. It all works very well, except every once in a
> > while, a record gets deleted from SQL Tables. I know for sure that the
> > end user is not deleting it, and I am pretty sure its not a bug in the
> > VB code. I have delete triggers placed, to trap the deleted record and
> > the time it's deleted. But I have no idea how or why gets deleted. Any
> > ideas or help on this will really be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> Use SQL Profiler to capture the actual statement being executed. Hopefully
> that should give you enough to figure out where the problem is.
> --
> David Portas, SQL Server MVP
> Whenever possible please post enough code to reproduce your problem.
> Including CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements usually helps.
> State what version of SQL Server you are using and specify the content
> of any error messages.
> SQL Server Books Online:
> --|||Try running profiler to capture when it is getting deleted.
You can use filter for TEXTDATA column like '%DELETE%XXXX%' where XXXX is
table name..
<> wrote in message
>I hope someone can help in solving this problem. I have a VB
> application that is accessing data from SQL server 2000 through linked
> tables in MS Access. It all works very well, except every once in a
> while, a record gets deleted from SQL Tables. I know for sure that the
> end user is not deleting it, and I am pretty sure its not a bug in the
> VB code. I have delete triggers placed, to trap the deleted record and
> the time it's deleted. But I have no idea how or why gets deleted. Any
> ideas or help on this will really be appreciated.
> Thanks
>|||Thats a good advice. Thanks. I am not really familiar with profiler.
I'll try to add this option to just track deletes. What other fields or
options should I use?
Thanks again.
Jayesh Antony Jose wrote:
> Try running profiler to capture when it is getting deleted.
> You can use filter for TEXTDATA column like '%DELETE%XXXX%' where XXXX is
> table name..
> Jayesh
> <> wrote in message
> >I hope someone can help in solving this problem. I have a VB
> > application that is accessing data from SQL server 2000 through linked
> > tables in MS Access. It all works very well, except every once in a
> > while, a record gets deleted from SQL Tables. I know for sure that the
> > end user is not deleting it, and I am pretty sure its not a bug in the
> > VB code. I have delete triggers placed, to trap the deleted record and
> > the time it's deleted. But I have no idea how or why gets deleted. Any
> > ideas or help on this will really be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks
> >